Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Shows Standard Salesforce Report Chart to Standard Salesforce Sidebar.

Hi guys,

   I’m writing this post because it may be the requirement of your clients and their is not direct way to show chart on Standard sidebar of salesforce.

This is actually the new type of requirement form one of my client, he wants to see the report chart on every page of its salesforce account, so solve it in this way to put chart on sidebar and show make visible the sidebar on every page.

Basically i opens an "iframe" on the html of Home Page Components.

So here the steps:
1.      Create a Report chart according to you requirements, make sure that this chart is of Tiny in size so that it can easily come in sidebar window.
2.      then go to Setup > Customize > Home > Home Page Components > Custom Components > New,
then choose the “HTML Area” then next and selects Narrow(Left) Column, click on show html check box on the right  corner and put the following code in it:

<iframe src="https://cs14.salesforce.com/Report_Id" scrolling="no" height="620px" width="150%" style="margin-top: -445px; margin-left: -70px;"/>
3.      Now add this component to the home page layout
(Note: make sure you assigned the page to the profile in the Home Page Layout.)
Now you can see that report chart is showing to the home page side bar as,

If you want to show it on every page then,
Go to Setup > Customize > User Interface > Sidebar
then true the “Show Custom Sidebar Components on All Pages” check box and save it,

That’s it, now the report chart is showing on every page of you Salesforce where sidebar is visible as:

Happy Coding…:)

Anurag Jain,